Sustainable Tourism Awards
The Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards are aimed at increasing visibility and granting recognition to entities in the Travel and Tourism industry.

As an affiliate member of UNWTO , whose mission is to promote reliable, sustainable and universally accessible tourism, Skål International created the Sustainable Tourism Awards following the 2002 United Nations declaration, to highlight best practices globally.

UNWTO and Skål International
Skål International and the World Tourism Organization will continue to join forces in 2023 to give greater scope to these awards, which Skål International has been awarding since 2002.

Skål International has adopted the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and supports the ST-EP (Sustainable Tourism to End Poverty) initiative. Skål International is also affiliated with other leading international organisations including PATA , IIPT , The Code , ECPAT and WTTC , among others.
Who can apply for these awards?
The Skål International Sustainable Tourism Awards are open annually to all public and private sector companies, educational institutions, NGOs and tourism-related government agencies worldwide.
All sustainable operations and activities must be implemented by the company, NGO or agency applying for the award. Projects that are not yet operational are not eligible.
Entries must be endorsed by a Skål International club or National Committee to qualify for participation.
Available categories:
Community and Government Projects
Countryside and Biodiversity
Educational Programs and Media
Main Tourist Attractions
Marine and Coastal
Rural Accommodation
Tour Operators-Travel Agents
tourist transport
Urban Accommodation
Timeline 2023




Why should you enter these awards?
Increase visibility and obtain recognition for your differentiating performance in terms of sustainable and responsible tourism.
Increase your contacts and present your products and services to tourism industry professionals from around the world.
For media coverage among all Skål members worldwide and our international press contacts.
To receive the award in person and experience the networking sessions and friendly atmosphere of Skål World Congress.
Participants 2023
See the quality of our participants and more information about the 2023 edition here
Awards ceremony
The winners of the Sustainable Tourism Awards will be officially announced during the Skål International World Congress 2023, which will be held in Málaga from 1 to 5 November.
The winners will be invited to receive the trophy in person during the Awards Ceremony. Skål International will cover the cost of your accommodation and food in one of the Congress hotels during the offered stay. Travel expenses are excluded.

As a leading international organization in the travel and tourism industry, Skål International has proven to be a major force in initiating change and encouraging environmental conservation to advance travel and tourism.
Skål Biosphere Special Prize 2023
For the fifth year running, Skål International is partnering with the Biosphere© eonbsp; Responsible Tourism Institute to award the ‘Skål Biosphere Sustainable Special Award’ to each of the Sustainable Tourism Awards winners.
Winners will be selected based on the Responsible Tourism Institute’s sustainability pillars. Biosphere© will present each winner with a free one-year subscription to the Biosphere Sustainable platform, where the winner will be able to create their own personalized Sustainability Plan for continuous improvement and recognition of the efforts of their companies or organizations.
If the lucky ones are companies in any of the categories, they will be entitled to a free annual subscription to Biosfera Sustentável ; and in the case of DMOs, exclusive access to the Biosfera platform for destinations , allowing them to start aligning their territorial projects with the 2030 Agenda.